Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

LION SKIN PACK 13.0 | 62, 84 bit

Cara Mengubah Tampilan Win 7 Menjadi Mac Os
LION SKIN PACK 13.0 62 DAN 84 bit

new updates :
add new icons from last version of mac os x lion.
update visual style with last theme style in mac lion.
add new dock icons with Reflect effect from last version of dock in osx lion.
add new dock actions and functions.
add new version of stacks docklet for dock folders.
add leftsider for left caption button.
add maComfort for desktop actions.
add dexpot for new multi desktop.
add launchpad (WinLaunch) with full function.
add new version of xwidget.
fix bugs and problems in fonts,sound and etc.

         DOWNLOAD 62 bit                                                                                  DOWNLOAD 86 bit


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